What are the known challenges?
- Natural Gas pathing is a critical operation
- Incorrect pathing means incorrect invoices
- Incorrect invoices mean lost time and money
- Pathing requires attention to details but is typically passed onto junior personnel
- It takes 30m to 2h to path medium to large pipeline per day
- It takes hours to correct historical pathing mistakes
Why use CORTEX?
- No change to existing nomination process. Schedulers use their trusty EBB tools
- CORTEX does not require a specific version of the ETRM (provided there is an appropriate API)
- This saves money as competing solutions quite often require expensive prior system upgrades
- Feedback from the market shows that competing solutions create fuel rounding issues, which cause EBB
nomination batches
- CORTEX is fast to onboard
CORTEX unique features!
- Asset Management Agreements (AMA) data import
- Ability to match Multi-Point Trading Hubs (example: Cheyenne, TETCO)
- Leased pipeline segments and interconnect identification
- All interstate pipelines covered. Models: Pathed Non-Threaded, Pathed, Non-Pathed and other
- Cloud based Software as a Service (SaaS) – no investment into infrastructure required, no complex
software installed on premises, and no code inside the ETRM which could lead to performance/upgrade
- Payment options: monthly or per transaction, no long-term commitment
- System learns from user actions using Machine Learning techniques
- On-boarding: 6 weeks for first pipeline, 2 weeks for following pipes *
- Detailed Exceptions/Reconciliation reports to help troubleshoot issues
- Shipper Must Have Title contract compliance check
*) typical implementation times, they also depend on API and data availability
The CORTEX solution ensures that Operational Risk is reduced and time and money saved. It also allows
operations/schedulers to focus on more value add parts of the business, in an ever increasing cost
Schedule a demo and see what value CORTEX can add to your Natural Gas business. You will not be
in the solution and price!